There’s nothing scarier

than the patriarchy


How often the horrors in our favourite scary stories tend to look… well, a lot like ladies.

On Paranormal Pajama Party, we’ll dig up the social and cultural contexts behind classic ghost stories and legends to challenge the often one-dimensional portrayal of women in horror.

From Podcast The Newsletter

“Every episode is the equivalent of screaming Bloody Mary in the bathroom mirror when you’re eight. (There is actually an episode about that.)

But also pretend there is an academic in the mirror screaming too, offering insight into why the vanishing hitchhiker is always a woman and what that has to do with Sibyls [and] the Oracle of Delphi. If you have an interest in fairy tales, ghost stories, history, feminism, and witchcraft, you’ll like it.”

A white woman with wavy reddish hair and glasses smiles at the camera. She is wearing a black dress with yellow moons and stars on it, and a black cardigan. The background is outdoors, but blurred.


I’m Steph

I’m a horror fan who believes that women are people and that as people, we deserve pockets. Pretty edgy, I know.

Each episode of Paranormal Pajama Party features a creepy story about a female phantom or femme fatale and examines the cultural context behind each ghoulish gal to try to figure out why society finds being a woman is so scary.

I mean, being a woman is scary… but not for ghost reasons. 👻