Paranormal Pajama Party

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Episode 12: The Tower of London (part 1)

Margaret pole, Arbella Stuart, and Jane Grey

The execution of Lady Jane Grey in the Tower of London in the year 1554
Paul Delaroche, 1833

Tonight, we’re throwing our Paranormal Pajama Party in the iconic Tower of London, one of the world’s most haunted locations.

Sitting on the River Thames in central London, the Tower of London has a long and dark history, serving as a prison, Royal Mint, home of the Crown Jewels, and even a royal menagerie. But what brings shivers down most people’s spines are the tales of its ghostly inhabitants, many of whom are – or were, rather – women.

Among the Tower’s many spectres, the female phantoms associated with the Tudor reign stand out. These spirits are linked to the dungeons, gallows, and the executioner’s axe, representing a specific brand of horror that captures the imagination of visitors and paranormal enthusiasts alike.

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Margaret Pole, Countess of Salisbury

One of the most tragic figures haunting the Tower is Margaret Pole, the Countess of Salisbury. Born into the powerful Plantagenet family, Margaret’s life was marked by political intrigue, fortunes won and lost, and ultimately, a gruesome execution.

Despite her noble lineage and position at court, Margaret faced numerous challenges and tragedies, including the early death of her mother, the execution of family members and years of poverty. Her unwavering loyalty to her Catholic faith and her efforts to protect Princess Mary (AKA Bloody Mary) eventually led to her imprisonment in the Tower and her eventual beheading on Tower Green in 1541.

Legend has it that nearly 500 years later, Margaret’s tortured screams can still be heard echoing through the Tower of London late at night, a haunting reminder of her tragic fate.

Lady Arbella Stuart

Lady Arbella Stuart is still in the Tower, too, and is one of its more dangerous ghosts. 

Despite her close ties to the English throne, Arbella’s attempts to assert her independence and arrange her own marriage – three times – led to her downfall. After a clever escape attempt, she was finally imprisoned in the Tower by her cousin, King James I. Arbella’s mental health deteriorated, and she eventually stopped eating and died of starvation in 1615.

Today, staff members living on the Tower grounds have reported strange occurrences in the Queen’s House, where Arbella was imprisoned, including violent pushes and feelings of strangulation.

Lady Jane Grey

The tragic tale of Lady Jane Grey, England’s first queen and shortest-reigning monarch, is another haunting story associated with the Tower of London. A highly educated and devout Protestant, Jane was thrust into the political turmoil of the Tudor court at a young age.

After being manipulated into a politically advantageous marriage and unexpectedly crowned queen, Jane’s reign was short-lived – as in, just over a week long. Overthrown by Mary I’s supporters and imprisoned in the Tower, Jane remained steadfast in her beliefs until Mary reluctantly had her executed in 1554 to remove her as a threat.

Since her death, visitors to the Tower have reported sightings of a woman in white near the Salt Tower and an apparition believed to be Jane herself haunting the battlements.

Spectral justice

The Tower of London isn’t just a fancy castle with shiny jewels – it’s maybe the world’s most haunted location, complete with a cast of spectral leading ladies.  As we peel back the layers of its dark history, it’s hard not to wonder if these female phantoms are seeking justice in the only way left to them. At any rate, they’ve certainly made their mark, leaving behind a legacy of intrigue, betrayal, and some seriously spooky vibes.

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