Paranormal Pajama Party

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Episode 4: The Mare, the Old Hag, and the Succubus

Sweet dreams

My Dream, My Bad Dream

Fritz Schwimbeck, 1915

Welcome, brave listeners, to another spine-chilling episode of Paranormal Pajama Party!

Tonight, we explore the mysterious realms of the supernatural, where the old hag sits on your chest, the succubus seduces in the dark, and the mare haunts your dreams.

Chances are good, I’m sorry to say, you may someday have a run-in with the old hag, also known as the Night Hag, yourself.

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A world-wide phenomenon

She’s a common hallucination during sleep paralysis, a phenomenon that affects up to 50% of people at least once in their lives. Although this won’t make you feel any better if you encounter her, it’s fascinating to know that she’s haunted the dreams of many across cultures for thousands of years. Maybe you know her better as the couchemare in Louisiana, the pisadeira in Brazil, or the batibat in the Philippines.

The origin of “nightmare”

The old hag is strongly connected to the mare, a spirit known for riding sleepers, horses, and even trees. To understand the cultural origins of the mare, we also have to understand the limited good outlook of some rural farming communities. In these societies, misfortune was attributed to external forces, often targeting vulnerable individuals like older, unmarried women.

Ancient demonesses

There’s one more famous lady of the night to cover in tonight’s episode – the succubus, a seductive sort of demoness that’s plagued dreams since at least the Middle Ages.

Complex mythology surrounds succubi, including the origin story of their mother, Lilith, their ties to sexual assault trauma, and the historical impact of succubi accusations on women, particularly during the Salem Witch Trials.

real-world tragedy

Tonight’s entities are also the first we’ve dealt with with a real-world body count: The story of the dab tsog shows how cultural beliefs and psychological vulnerability can blend to impact lives.

Until next week, dear listeners. Remember to sleep with one eye open. The unseen terrors of the night may be closer than you think.

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