Paranormal Pajama Party

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Episode 11: Beatrice Cenci

Innocent murderess

An illustration of the statue Beatrice Cenci
Sculpted by Harriet Goodhue Hosmer, 1857

Tonight at the Paranormal Pajama Party, we’re embarking on a haunting journey through history as we uncover the tragic tale of Beatrice Cenci—a narrative that intertwines themes of abuse, desperation, and defiance.

Beatrice, born in 1577 into a noble family, lived a life marred by the brutality of her father, Count Francesco Cenci. Francesco’s reputation for violence and perversion preceded him, earning him wealth and power while subjecting his family to unspeakable abuse. Beatrice, along with her stepmother Lucrezia and siblings, endured imprisonment, starvation, and even potential incestuous assault at his hands.

Faced with the patriarchal structures of society, where justice favoured the wealthy and powerful, Beatrice sought recourse in desperate measures. Alongside her family, she orchestrated the murder of her father, driven by the urgent need to escape his tyranny. Their plot, executed with the help of accomplices, ended Francesco’s life in a gruesome manner, but the act of liberation led them down a path of inevitable tragedy.

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Arrested and subjected to brutal torture, Beatrice and her family faced a highly publicised trial that captured Rome’s attention. Despite pleas for clemency and widespread sympathy for their plight, they met their end on the Piazza Sant’Angelo, condemned by papal justice. Their executions, marked by violence and spectacle, served as a grim reminder of the consequences of defying societal norms.

Beatrice’s legacy, however, transcends her tragic demise. Over the centuries, her story has been retold, reshaped, and immortalised in various forms of art and literature. From Percy Shelley’s romanticised portrayal of her life to Caravaggio’s possible use of her execution as inspiration for his depiction of Judith slaying Holofernes, Beatrice continues to captivate audiences as a figure of courage and defiance.

But amidst the myth and symbolism, it’s crucial to remember the real woman behind the legend. Beatrice Cenci’s life was one of suffering, courage, and ultimately, a tragic quest for freedom in a world governed by patriarchy. Her story is a poignant reminder of the enduring struggle for justice and empowerment faced by women throughout history.

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